Snowbirds: are getting ready to head back north for the summer!

Just as you do before you head south for the winter, allow us to send our qualified maintenance staff to help you to prepare your home for your extended absence.

Call for exceptionally low rates!  407-343-0809 

Office  407-343-0809

Prevent pests & mold:

After you take out all non-perishable or opened food, we can clean and defrost and help to unplug the refrigerator and freezer. and help to leave the doors open to prevent mold and mildew inside.  Same for your dishwasher and empty the food tramp and prepare the drain seal to prevent it from seizing up.   Check and caulk seals around exterior doors and windows to ensure no pests can enter the home.

Make it look like you are home:

Install lights on timers throughout your house to turn on/off at different times.  Arrange for us to stop by occasionally to pick up any mail or newspapers or flyers that get delivered to your door and check inside the house. Help lift and bring inside furniture or planters that could blow away in heavy winds.

Safe travels! We will see you again in the fall!  Arrange for us to schedule a Pre-Arrival service to get your home ready for you to return. 

Protect your home:

We can install motion-sensitive exterior lights, deadbolts, side locks for sliding doors, and other extra security measures.
Check and repair all window locks. Repair any blinds or shades.  Make sure your smoke detectors work and replace all batteries.

Protect your plumbing:

Look for and repair any leaks or drips.  Help you to turn off as much water access as possible to washing machines, toilets, sinks, and dishwashers.  Place water heater on “vacation mode.”  Drain your pipes and seal sinks, toilet bowls, toilet tanks, and floor drains. 

Perform routine maintenance and repairs:

We will inspect the air conditioner and service it. Set the temperature around 85 degrees to avoid mold.
We will clean your gutters and inspect your roof for any potential repairs.